Class Nation

All Implemented Interfaces:
IPlayerCollective, ISerializable

public class Nation extends BaseEntity<Nation> implements IPlayerCollective, ISerializable
  • Constructor Details

    • Nation

      public Nation( obj, String mapName)
      Creates a new Nation by parsing raw data.
      Should NOT be called explicitly unless you know what you are doing!
      obj - The unparsed data required to build this object.
  • Method Details

    • getCapital

      public Town getCapital()
    • invitableTowns

      public Map<String,Town> invitableTowns()
    • residentList

      public List<String> residentList()
      Helper method to reduce mapping over residents for names.
      The names of residents in this nation.
      See Also:
      • #getResidents()
    • onlineResidents

      public Map<String,Resident> onlineResidents()
      All residents that are online in this Nation.
      A map of Residents with their entity being used as their respective keys.
      See Also: